Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...


The fucking cat ate ALL of Daniel's rat food. He had this huge, like 5 pound bag of fucken rat food. The cat ate it all. Oh man...what a fucked up cat.

I didnt write the MC people yet, their card is in my car, in my sweater pocket. Way too inconvenient. The soda is out there too tho, so may have to make a parking lot run after all. I made coffee at least an hour ago, and haven't drank any.

Daniel is almost completely moved into his room. It's fabulous. Need the cable to get his sound up and going.

I used yahoo for his email, so he could have his personalized yahoo start page, and see if he had email right there. If he had hotmail, he'd never check it. Things are going to have to start v-e-r-y simple here. it'll be interesting to see someone go from the ground up on the internet. He knows almost nothing, and yet I know he's gonna get hooked, and probably be really adept. He's already got a good interest, and he seems like he'll be smart about it.

I tried to get him to pick a better name, wondering if he got really good at stuff on his pc, if in a few years he'd still wanna be known as monkeyman8755. He turned on his aim and someone anonymously messaged him and said "dude you aint a monkey OR a man" Gotta admit, its a stupid

Ok, off to do something wildly productive.


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