Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...


I've been surrrrfing again!

This is very very cool. Phillip Beuhler takes pictures of technological modern ruins. Pictures of Ellis Island, The 1964 World's Fair and others. Fascinating. I spent over an hour here.

And this is just plain silly fun. Type in the name of your city, and get a listing for several pay phone telephone numbers in the area. This is comedy waiting to happen.

Found both these fun places courtesy of kurt at analog thought.

We just had the most fabulous meatloaf meal with french fries. Just enough left for a couple of samiches tomorrow. When we all sat down at the table, Emma said

"What is this?"
I said "meatloaf."
"Is it a secret recipe?"
"No, not really"
"Well can we call it that?"
"um suurrre..."

So now it's time to get Emma in the bath and take off her purple nail polish kt put on her earlier this week. It's looking well worn by now. Also need to cut her nails before she goes back to mommy. Hopefully she'll stay clean and will still smell sweet by noon tomorrow.


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