Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...



Because of the optional thingie we had on our insurance, they are going to cover Katie's car. It is being towed to a body shop this afternoon. I spoke to the body shop, and he said it is likely totaled. Not sure what that amounts to, we'll just have to wait and see. Will update as the situation necessitates.

Dy left for Monte Vista today, after Emma's first day of school which was...pretty good. I'll let Dy fill in the details, but basically she didn't want to go, and ended up in the nurses office. She finished out the day and I think all will be fine from here on out.

Gotta go get some stuff done..waiting for the tow truck driver to call me back to meet him at the car. funny note. we didn't call the police yesterday because insurance said it wasn't necessary, and plus Katie didn't really have any information on the gal that hit her. Then today, insurance said we did need a report, so we called the police. My friend Tom and his brother are both dispatchers, and when the guy picked up I knew immediately it was Tom's brother Mike. We had a nice chat and took care of business at the same time. Crazy. Funny tho how his tone and demeanor changed when he knew it was me.


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