Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...



I've been listing books online all night, since around 5:30 or so. I think I've listed about 150 books, most are so-so..some gems. That brings our total books listed up to just around 1200 or so. Listing them involves punching in the ISBN # (some microscopic) and then deciding on the quality and price, comparing it to who else has that book listed, at what quality and what price. Competetiveness is rampant. We have to constantly monitor what price other people are selling the same book for, because if you list it for the lowest price one day, someone else who has it listed for higher will come along and lower their price the next. Keeping track of 1200 books this way is a monumental task. It's truly become Mark's job! When he does start working we're going to have to just list them and let them be. Mark usually does all the listing and price comparison, but since he's been so busy on the shelves, I listed a bunch so we wouldn't get behind. But then there's the sales to deal with (which is a good thing, but still a chore..) - pulling the book, packaging, labeling, shipping, post office, blah blah. Some days it's easy, 1 or 2 sales..but we've had big days too, 13 sales is our top number I think. 5 today, so far.

Funny when you go through boxes of people's books, how you can tell so much about them, without knowing them. A couple of weeks ago Mark picked up a buttload of books from one person, and I remember I called him while he was listing them and asked how it was going. He said "guy was obviously a teacher, a Republican, pro-gun, racist, and jewish." LOL. This last batch of about 7 boxes or so, all came from one guy at a yard sale on Friday. The guy was black, but here's what else you can tell about him just from his books:

Very well educated
Entepreneur - (probably about 65% of the books are topics relating to having your own business.)
Probably had money to invest - lots of financial freedom books
Wife was successful - many books on successful black women in business
Civil Rights Activist
Wanted to, or tried to start his own restaurant
Went to a lot of seminars
Had trouble with computers - he has a lot of low level computer instruction

I wonder what my books are saying about me?


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