Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...


Guess I better write something before blogger goes down for a while tonight.

Had a harrowing day yesterday, for lack of a better word. Some discussion (the loud kind) about a variety of topics befuddled us early..and then again later. I think it's all ironed out tho. Relationships are such a struggle sometimes anyway, but when you start a relationship when you're older like we are, you have to add a lot of baggage to the mix, and sometimes we trip over it. We have to remind ourselves that we don't come into a relationship alone at this age, there's kids, and ex's and a whole lot of stuff that happened way before you got there.

We had a fun time at the party last night, although some people got a little too trashed (not us - really) and started talking politics somewhere around 1am. File that one under "not a good idea". The night ended on sort of a sour note because of it...although we'd had a lot of fun before that playing games and laffing our butts off. I did take some pictures, I'll post at least one later tonight.

We got home really late, actually really early this morning, around 3am. Then stayed up and talked some and finally went to bed somewhere after 5 am. Katie called from the bridal shop where she had an appointment to get fitted for her bridesmaid dress. She wanted to hang out, go to lunch, shopping, etc. I wasn't really up for it, only having a minimal amount of sleep..but we went and of course it was fun.

Now watching the Grammys in front of a fire and wondering what's on tap for dinner.


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