Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...


And on a completely different note....

On the tail of spewing about Miss Tonia and her juvenile antics, I noticed this gem in my guestmap from Elsa and Adrian in Quebec:

Hi Danelle.
You should be very proud to have made such a wonderful site for yourself and everyone else to see and enjoy. You have a lovely family, with three children and a loving friend, you definitely are a rich woman. No money in the world can buy you that kind of wealth. We are wishing you on this time of austerity all the luck in the world to succeed in your e mail business; GOOD LUCK. It is nice to see a site as this, at present with all the talk of war, this is beautiful oasis of love and peace. You made a most awesome and wonderful website. I really enjoyed myself visiting your delightful pages. I have a family site. If you find the time to visit my site, would you please jot down on our guest book what you think of our pages. Thank you for the opportunity of visiting your excellent site.
Take Care, Elsa and Adrian :-).

What's especially nice about this note is it shows they took the time to actually read what I wrote. They know I have 3 children, Mark, a business, etc... You don't get that from reading a post or two.

Nice, very nice. Made my day.


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