Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...


Guess what's in my damn oven. A 20 pound turkey, that's what. Gobble freaking gobble. I was so unhappy with the mere pittance of leftovers I had, and plus emma ate damn near all the turkey I did bring home, bless her heart..she is a turkey head! So now tonight we will be having Thanksgiving part 2. And there will be turkey galore left for Miss Emma.

The orders are still coming in fast and furious, but Mark is downstairs in new shelf land, and we're not doing the orders right now. I should take a picture of the overflow just so you can see. Gonna go do that. Be right back.

Ok, here we go. Paperback overflow:

Hardback overflow:

New shelves and the cute little builder:

And this is why we have no room. This is part of one shelf. These shelves are 8 feet long, and 9 feet high. What you see here is only E through H.

Crazy, eh?

What's nice is that Mark is so good natured and pleasant about doing stuff like this. Whenever Dan would do a home improvement project, it was hell for everyone. A nightmare. he would yell and scream, throw things and generally just be a pain in the ass. Everything had to be just right or all hell broke loose.

I like it better this way.


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