Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...


Listening to: Internet Radio (BRMB)
Eating: Ugh - it's too early to eat
Drinking: Coffee coffee and more coffee
State of Mind: cluttered
Multitasking: 8 other websites open
Who Im chatting to: Keith
Thats fucked up: I need a shower, but am so lazy this morning

Gotta go be the volunteer d'jour at Emma's classroom today. They have a play tonight (The Three Little Pigs Rock Out) but I won't be there. I don't dare miss school this close to the end. Tho, as I've said many times before, I believe I have attended enough elementary school programs to last a lifetime. Emma is playing the "straw house". I'm sure it'll be really cute.

Off to get clean and ready for the day. Hope everyone is warm and happy today.


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