Desert Sand Mica

Whatever, just crash it Bob...


I've got to drop some blogrolling links. Don't I? I know some people have a billion (ok, million) folks on their list, but I get so tired of going to blogs with no updates, and with other annoying bloghabits. I normally say "no blogging for 2 weeks and you're Philiminated" (TAR reference)..but then sometimes they'll eek out one or two paragraphs every 12-13 days. Blech. Bionicle is the exception to that rule, because he leaves home for like 20 days a month to go to work in the desert (ssh..I can't tell you anything else about that).

I've stopped reading certain blogs because the spelling was so atrocious I felt like I was reading 3rd grade work. iespell people. Make an effort. I've stopped reading other blogs because what used to be a thoughtful few paragraphs of good reading turned into 2 lines a day of "hey, look at this link.." I do not read "link only" blogs, unh unh. They're Emma would say. I find enough great links on my own, and through my buddy the presurfer. I've also been boycotting people who don't respond to comments or tags. God, that's rude. I know we're not writing for an audience (are we?) but when someone takes the time to leave you a note, let em know you read it...even occasionally. Gees.

Hey, Im not telling you how to write your blog. I'm just telling you I gotta trim the list down. Say I'm a bitch. It'll be the second time today I've heard it.


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