It's here, we're moving. Forecast for today is 97 freaking dregrees. Why do I always move in July? Tomorrow the forecast is for 91. Monday 98.
No posting for a while, see ya soon.
Whatever, just crash it Bob...
It's here, we're moving. Forecast for today is 97 freaking dregrees. Why do I always move in July? Tomorrow the forecast is for 91. Monday 98.
Dy posted a link to me from her blog. It says "My soon-to-be ex-husband's girlfriend's blog". I freaking love it.
We're in pretty good shape. Boxes containing the entire contents of 'my life up to this point' are lining the walls and closets. Katie has had the easiest time I think, she saves virtually nothing. Her clothes are kept to the "I really wear all these" minimum, and she's not a packrat by any means. Daniel on the other hand still has everything he's ever acquired in his 14 years on earth. He still has pokemon cards, hot wheels, rocks, and pogs...all among an assortment of one of a kind junk you've never seen the likes of before.
It's Friday, and I'm freaking out about all the things I have to do and all the things that are not going to get done.
Ok, ok. Im here.
It's about 8:45 am, and Im dragging ass to go to work. Board Meeting today. Fuuck.
Ok, here's something weird. I was sitting outside reading today, (man, I love working at the Library) and these two guys walked passed (black, not that it matters) and said "hey" they knew me. I just looked up, and then he said
I revamped the Recommended list, over there---> Read em, they're good. baby thataway's blog is Mark's wife. Yea, I know. We're delightfully dysfunctional.
I really really love this song. It so needs to be cranked in the car.
Ladies in New England, what's wrong with you? This is my cousin, David. Son of my mother's sister. We are relatively close, considering we are across the country from each other. He is in New Hampshire, I of course am in Colorado.
Still perusing the webby award. Go here if you want to check them out too. But here's something interesting I found. The webby winner in the "Spirituality" category was but the people's choice award in the same category was
This is so incredibly fun! My buddy Ray sent me the links to some of the winners of the webby awards, and this was People's Choice winner for personal web site. It's fabulous, and you just might see some of these ideas implemented on my own website. Is that stealing? No, I dont think so. The trick is to take the idea and give it a new spin. Whee. I just spent an hour and a half on this guys site. It's fun.
Lot's of people link to this person. I have no idea why. I find her to be seeker sensitive, and pious. Look at ME! Look at ME some MORE! Bleh. She's not keeping a blog, she's on stage...
This is fabulous.
From kt's blog: (email me for the link)
I'm gonna do one of these stupid damn things. Only cause someone asked me nicely.
I feel like I should be blogging, but I really have nothing to say.
We decided to stay at Mark's house tonight, so he can get an early start of stuff he needs to get done around here. Fine. Except he already had his satellite turned off, so we are reduced to watching fuzzy local television. Bleh.
I was reading Alan's blog and thinking about his dog that's old and sick. I was thinking about how long dogs normally live, and when you ask someone h ow old their old, sick dog is, you expect them to say "he's 15" or "Oh, he's 18." I started luaghing, thinking how funny it would be if you asked someone how old their dog was and they said "Oh, he's 32."
You're the "I'm So Drunk" drunk.
Look, Im packing!
I'm going through boxes in my closet. Some have not been opened since I moved here from my "married" house in Northglenn 2 years ago. Some things are very very sad to look at. Also found some pictures of my gramma. That made me weep. Was listening to Neil Sedaka "The Hungry Years" at the time. Note to self: Don't do that.
I've added a blog to the "recommended" list. W-a-y worth it. Read what she wrote about her grandmother the other day. We can all relate.
Im wondering how aghast Mark would be if he saw the picture at jeblessa's blog. If Dy reads this, she'll go there and know why. lol. I dont think Mark reads here much anymore, so I think we're safe.
I have nothing interesting to say.
Some good stuff I've read lately: I dont put them up as Recommended Reads cause there's usually something glaringly annoying about their site. (which I of course have taken the liberty to point out to you here). But they're worth a gander, anyway.
I am still at work.
Im blogging like a madwoman today. So solly.
"No more Adipex overdoses for you, little lady."
Mystery solved. Serendipity saw me poking around her site through her sitemeter. Looove the sitemeter, lemme tell ya. She had also sent me a yahoo message commenting on my blog, which I responded to, but then she dis-ka-peared. (Amanda used to say that when she was little). So, she buzzed me and said she was a fan, but I never really knew "who" she was. So, it wasn't as random as I thought, but still hella cool.
I put a new page up on my website, called "My POS Car". It's a riot. Go see.
Oh, and we have this huge author's event tomorrow night. Tony Hillerman will be here for a reception and a reading. I've never heard of him, much less read his books...but you'd think it was Jesus himself the way people are behaving. "Who is escorting him?" (there's signs, he'll find us) "He's infirm, do we have an alternate plan if he can't stand up for the reading?" (a chair, helloo?) "What if people try to sneak in?" (To a book reading? puhlease.) I'm on photo duty, as usual. That's fiiiiiine with me. Should be fun tho, these always are. Free food and booze. Is there anything else in life worth staying after work for?
I don't even know what I was talking about when I wrote about link whores. That post makes absolutely no sense what so ever. I don't even know what I meant to say. Please ignore the fogged out ramblings of pre-menopausal females in heat.
Im a speeding fool today.
I just read my post about how I thought it was cool that people come here to read my shit. And I started thinking about link whores. People that link you so you will link them. I really really hate that. If I link someone, it's because I really like what they write, and I think other people should see it too. And if I do link them, I always send a note asking if it's ok. I include my blog address to be polite.
Daniel took this picture outside yesterday, when the smoke and haze was really bad. I havent doctored the color at all, just the size. Look at the sun...weird.
From this:
When was the last time your weather forecast used the word "smoky" ?
Wait till I tell you about Saturday night. Insane. Completely and utterly insane. But I have to work now, sorry. I'll be back later.
Ive had a site meter up here at my blog for a short time, since March 11. I've been surprised at the number of visitors, but it's not jaw dropping. Since March 11, 2002 the blog has had 1411 visitors. That's pretty cool.
GLENWOOD SPRINGS -- Under skies marked by a furious tangle of flames and smoke, eight wind-lashed fires consumed desert-dry terrain across the Front Range and Western Slope on Sunday.
There is a coal seam fire burning in Glenwood Springs, and the whole city is drenched in smoke and small ash. You cant even go outside without choking, and there are many advisories for anyone with any sort of respiratory problem to stay indoors. The smell is thick even in the house. It is so strong, you feel like you're sitting right next to a campfire. These pics are both of downtown Denver, taken just a few minutes ago. It's put this golden hue to the air, and the sky is completely white. Amazing.
How interesting that my old friend Bob Carrun has found his way here. He posted a nasty message on the tag board, which I promptly removed. I've tagged his IP address on my site meter..I hope he comes by often. We'll give him something good to read, won't we? Looking for masturbation material, Im sure. He always did have a thing for me. Right, bob? Sorry, tho. I like more variety than you can provide in the 'chair. I hear is having a sale on astroglide, tho. Slick that puppy up and go to town on yourself..what dy'a say?
I just watched the Daniel Pearl videotape. It wasn't as graphic as I thought it would be, but it was horrible. Very sad. I was prepared for a scene of struggle and eventual violent decapitation or something, but it seemed all very quiet and matter of fact. They held his head up at the end, which was probably the most disturbing part about it to me. Callous and cold, it's how these people operate. All the time.
Found This Blog today, while surfing other blogs. It's fun to click through 5 mediocre links and find something good.
God, I am so tired. I don't know why I can't get it together this week. I have barely made it to work every day, and then sat here and done virtualy no real work. I hope I can rejuvenate over the weekend, although it's going to be hella maybe things will just get worse.
Ok, back at work and I think I have some time to blog. I ended up doing my Blade Show web page last night, and didn't get time to blog before dropping. Pics are up and running here.
Here's a pic of a couple of my idols from the show -
We're baaack!